Friday, August 14, 2020

How to Outsource your App Development and Succeed

In an age of competitive technology, the faster a company can come out with new developments, the higher their chances of staying ahead of the curve. Their customers start to see them as a leader in the industry, and they create a reputation of a business always striving to improve. However, for most companies it can be hard to find the right team for mobile app development – and even harder to retain them in the aggressive job market of cross-functional developers.


Outsourcing App Development


Deciding to outsource for some businesses is an easy one. From a financial standpoint, it makes sense to outsource instead of hiring several full time employees. The payroll and health care fees alone can make a new hire extremely expensive (especially to startups). Those that can afford to pay for an in-house team might still choose to outsource simply because outside teams often have extensive experience working on a broad range of applications – a trait that’s valuable to most cutting-edge companies.


Rather than worrying about keeping a task force of employees busy, an outsourcing app development team can be used here and there as projects are thought of by the company. This helps to reduce waste and improves time management overall.


Success Tips for Outsourcing


To truly benefit from outsourcing, the correct third-party team must be chosen. Unfortunately, not all outsourcing app development teams are created equal – even if they may say they are. To find the perfect complementing team, asking around for recommendations is a great first step. You never know your connections in the world of outsourcing until you ask! You just might find that a solution is closer than you think.


Once an outsourcing company have been identified making sure that their project management and work style matches up with your company. You will want to be on the same page about timelines, approval drafts, as well as communication (frequency of meetings, medium through which members will talk, etc.).


If the outsourcing company has done projects in the past that are similar, being able to see those examples is another great way of determining whether they are the perfect fit for your app development or not.


While all these tips might seem like easy things to do, finding an outsourcing app development company you know you can trust can be hard. If you are having trouble matching with an experienced outsourcing company, call Charter Global to help. We have executed over 100+ application development projects both small and large.

The post How to Outsource your App Development and Succeed appeared first on Software Development & IT Staffing Company.

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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Quarantine in the Tech Industry – How it Affects Business

With COVID-19 spreading all over the world, countries have had differing approaches on how to keep people safe. For many, it involves a strict quarantining and shut down of businesses to restrict the exposure people have to each other. Since every day there seems to be a new regulation coming out, businesses must be quick on their feet to comply and think of how best to make light of the situation. While the tech industry has a distinct advantage over others as many positions are already remote, it is still largely being impacted.

Unknowns for Businesses

For most, the amount of people allowed inside a business at one time has been severely limited to comply with social distancing rules. Although this can limit the number of customers able to purchase from a business, we don’t see these rules letting up any time soon. As more and more cases develop, the unknowns for business continues to rise.

Unfortunately, we can’t tell the future – and neither can businesses. What that means is that businesses are forced to deal with this unknown of whether or not things will return to “normal” at any point in the future, or if we will all be forced to change how we interact going forward. Most in the tech industry, if not already, have required all employees to work from home to do what they can to keep their workers safe.

Businesses Must Adapt

As we’ve seen, many businesses that previously did not offer any online products have recently turned to such solutions to reach the customers they once had. Even though doing so might not have the same effect as in-person shopping, it still allows businesses to profit in a way that complies with COVID-19 regulations.

While many people typically create strategies for their tech business in many month increments (and even years in some cases), we are now seeing most having to completely scrap them. Those that don’t have to completely get rid of pre-Coronavirus strategies are having to majorly revamp them to still apply and include completely remote employees, virtual meetings, and new communication software.

Luckily for the tech industry, many positions can be filled remotely. However, that doesn’t mean that it won’t be affected in many ways due to the Coronavirus. Communication and collaboration will be stressed more than ever, and we expect to see an even higher increase in project management software being used in the industry. For tech, unlike other fields, there seems to be an even greater dependency as more people turn to it to facilitate their jobs moving forward.

At Charter Global, we can assist in your application development needs as well as helping you find a remote candidate to be a part of your current team. Call us today we are available to assist your IT needs.

3 Ways to Integrate the Cloud Computing into your Business

Cloud computing has become an incredibly popular model for modernizing IT portfolios. With exclusive benefits like gaining agility and speed-to-market, more and more companies are turning to public cloud software.


Hybrid cloud systems are a means to shuttle business applications between public clouds from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and private clouds running internally, or even hosted off-site by a provider.


Previously, many organizations chose one cloud services provider. Yet, because this approach lacks distinctive functionality, organizations are now recognizing the benefits of multi-cloud. Improved organizational flexibility, better performance and efficiency, and avoiding vendor lock-ins, are just a few of the benefits multi-cloud offers.


1. Adopting a Hybrid Cloud Environment


One trend that will see continuous traction in 2020 is procuring cloud services from two or more vendors at a time. AWS is popular for customer-facing apps, while Microsoft Azure for business services and GCP for analytics compliment the execution of specific business scenarios.


Some chose to hold apps closely using private cloud computing, or, shuttle apps back and forth between public and private systems. This is often in the interest of security or financial reasons, with companies rolling back apps from public clouds to internal systems, known as repatriation.


The big picture, however, points to an urgency for a strategy that ensures the entire ecosystem works synchronously, especially as the use of multiple clouds and on-premises cloud installations become more common.


2. Find the Right Fit


When your eyes are bigger than your stomach, you might put too much food on your plate. This is the case for companies who rely too heavily on the public cloud computing, who often lose money after the first 12-18 months.


Over-provisioning resources you won’t consume will ultimately backfire, as is the case with some application developers who accidentally leave cloud workloads running into the weekend. As a result, multi-million-dollar charges are incurred.


Governance can help mitigate these over-spending risks. Crafting a strategy that optimizes functionality across cloud computing (both public and private), is one such way to ensure this risk mitigation.


 A solution known as “FinOps” is a combination of analytics software and business management practices that, upon migration to the cloud, monitors and calculates the actual rate of cloud consumption.


3. Modernize, Migrate, and go Cloud-Native


You’re probably familiar with the lift-and-shift approach for migrating apps to the cloud computing, which isn’t enough to drive agility if certain factors aren’t in place. Upgrading legacy applications, for example, is fundamental when moving your data center to the cloud if tackling speed-to-market initiatives.


Modernizing apps, whether migrating as-is or re-architecting entirely, is vital for the attainment of competitive, advantageous software. Containers and microservices also work to make apps portable and capable of breaking-down.


Cloud-native systems like Kubernetes-esque orchestration services (think AWS, Azure, and GCP) automate deployment, scaling, and management of containers, and ultimately enable rapid-fire change and continuous delivery.


Challenging aspects of going cloud-native include the need to manage clusters of containers running in a multi-cloud schema. Stop-gap measures, like using VMware to run virtual servers in AWS or Azure, can help overcome these issues.


Irrespective of the architecture your enterprise chooses to build, don’t sacrifice long-term transformation goals your business needs for short-term cost savings.

Friday, August 7, 2020

What You Need to Know About Microsoft SharePoint?

In today’s remote environment the world is looking for better collaboration software to make working successful during the pandemic, more and more companies are turning to Microsoft SharePoint. As a management and collaboration system, SharePoint allows its users to be halfway around the globe while still being able to access company documents and communicate across businesses easily. The software can be used on a company-wide basis, or even on a smaller scale with branches, departments, or teams.


Content & SharePoint


There are quite a few features that SharePoint provides to attract so many different businesses. Organizations can store their entire collection of content within the software. From this hosting site, employees can connect, organize, and share (both internally and externally) any files they might need to. This content can be organized in many ways as well, including based on lists, specific libraries, or off of the metadata they contain. Once the content is within an organization’s Microsoft SharePoint database, it can be easily searched through for specific files as well.


Team Benefits


Managing a team that works from multiple locations can be hard to do without the right base. Microsoft SharePoint offers a place for team members to collaborate easily on any files shared across a group, review elaborate data sets, and directly communicate with each other through “subsites” of the software. Being able to access the same organization files at the same time is a fantastic benefit for collaborative teams that must meet virtually to make decisions.


SharePoint Online vs. SharePoint Server


The largest difference between SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server is that the Server is used onsite, while online is used more as a cloud-based option. SharePoint Online tends to include the full Microsoft Office 365 Migration Service and the back end of the program is hosted by Microsoft itself. Because SharePoint Server is specifically created around an organization, the platform is operated and run directly by the business. The downside to using SharePoint Online is that it isn’t quite as customization as SharePoint Server can be (updates are also done at will by Microsoft and can potentially disrupt the organization’s systems when they occur).


Although SharePoint is widely used around the world, it can be a little overwhelming with all of its options for new users. With the right time dedicated to learning the software, Microsoft SharePoint can be adapted to almost any type of business and will encourage communication and collaboration amongst employees throughout an organization. If you are looking for a SaaS service similar to SharePoint (or are unsure if SharePoint is the right one for you) give Charter Global a call today for a free consultation!

Friday, July 31, 2020

Recruiting Great Node.js Developers

While JavaScript runs on the client-side of programming, Node.js was created to help with the server-side. Node.js is event-driven (on a loop) and requires minimal threads and memory. This in turn makes it extremely easy to work with and scale.

To find a best Node.js developers for your team, you first need to know what their skills might look like. For the most part, a best Node.js developers should have extensive experience with JavaScript and patterns of MVC, MVVM, or MVVP. From there, these types of developers should also know functional programming, tools like Prettier and GIT, MySQL or NoSQL, and understand backend frameworks.

Now that you know what type of person your business might be looking for, where to find them? For some companies, filling their best Node.js open position is as simple as looking around the office. This may not be an option for all companies.

You could start with recruitment advertising on your company website – if there is anyone that has been wanting to join your company, they will be the first to notice! Utilizing third party job listing websites is also a great way to reach a wider audience. You might also try hosting booths at job fairs and conferences to entice applicants.

Another option is to outsource. If you were to compare the overall time and money it would take to fill the position with advertising, hosting booths, and once you find the right person – more taxes, insurance, training costs, office supplies, travel expenses, etc. On the other hand, outsourcing can be seen more as a one-time cost and you wouldn’t have to worry about any of the expenses related to an employee.

With so few great Node.js developers out there, you want to do everything you can to find them.  Within 24 to 48 hours you would be able to get started with that Node.Js project.  Charter Global can help. Give us a call today!

Monday, July 27, 2020

5 Core Values of Agile Software Development

Having an agile framework in a business is the key to adaptability. As the world of technology gets increasingly complex, a business needs to be able to change along with it. In turn, they are seen as a cutting-edge company with a leg up from competitors.

Agile software development covers a wide area from engineering to the deployment phase. Agile software, by definition is incredibly flexible and quick to create solutions to problems. As a team, agile software developers are collaborative and work hand in hand with the client to prioritize what increments of the project need to happen first.

Rather than having a specific “start to finish” timeline, agile software is focused more on brief sprints with very frequent collaboration sessions for the team to solve issues together.

To stay on the same page as a team, members follow along with the same core values. Some of the top five include:

1. Software that works is the key measure of success.

Instead of delaying deployment of the software because of small issues or a software that isn’t “perfect,” agile methodology sets specific intervals for each portion of the project and once that time is up, the team moves on. While the finished project might not be perfect, it will be wrapped up in an extremely fast time span.

2. Great builds come from organized teams that are responsible for themselves.

Agile development teams are self-organized and self-propelling. While they work collaboratively with the client, they are extremely independent and self-reliant individuals. Because they set their deadlines and project outlines, agile software development teams can organize projects on their own.

3. Communication should be two-way and constant.

Communication is arguably the glue that holds the team together. By holding frequent in-person meetings, agile software development teams can brainstorm together for quick solutions to problems and can hold each other accountable (and lend a helping hand if needed).

4. Change is good – and welcomed.

Agile teams are used to change and often find that change is a great way to look at problems from a different angle. Rather than being inflexible with variables, agile software developers are always ready to take on changing factors.

5. Simplicity should be used wherever possible.

The more complex the solution, the harder (and longer) it will take to complete and implement by the team. Agile software development teams often try to integrate automation into their solutions along the way to make it quicker and easier to move on.

While using a regular team is a great for certain projects, it’s often not the method businesses need as technology advances. When it’s time to implement agile software development for your project, call Charter Global.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Software Development Talent: How to Attract & Retain

In the software industry, job positions are constantly available and typically hard to fill. The IT demand is high, while the supply is relatively low in this field, which means anyone with a software development skill set often has their choice of companies to work for.

Attracting Talent

To attract talent to a software development position, many companies will try to offer unique incentives to entice them. This could be flexible work like remote positions or differing schedules depending on what time developers enjoy working. Offering a large base of training and a team to have around them are also great ways to catch the eye of someone looking to switch jobs.

Most importantly, developers want to know that a company is supportive, respectful, and appreciative of their employees. When posting a job or attending job fairs to find new employees, managers should pay particular attention to how they explain their company values and ethics – these are things that potential employees will want to identify with directly. Once it is time to interview the person, focusing on how the company can allow the potential employee to grow is a great point of view the interviewer should take.

Keeping the Talent You Have

As a manager or CEO of a company, you want to retain all the good talent you have in the organization. Fortunately, there are a few ways that managers can encourage employees to stay within the company.

For one thing, companies should do everything they can to make the jobs of software developers easier – like providing updated technology and code bases that are up to date with company projects. Allowing developers the freedom to create software development talent without micromanagement and extensive rules/procedures is another way to keep them happy.

Nobody likes to do the same thing every day, and the creative side of developers will only thrive when they can try new things and innovate. Providing a software development team with interesting projects with the freedom to brainstorm and solve problems on their own gives them the ability to shape the company and have a stake in what they are creating.

Lastly, ensuring that everyone within the organization aligns with the values of the organization is key for making a happy and functional workplace. software development talent should feel that they fit like a puzzle piece within the organization.

Finding talent and retaining them are entirely two different tasks of management that are crucial in keeping a company moving forward. When it is time for your business to find new software development talent and are unsure of how to attract them, give Charter Global a call today to see how we can help!