Monday, December 23, 2019

DevOps and MicroServices Form a Perfect Union

When Deployed Together, DevOps and Microservices Work Harmoniously in Application Development


DevOps and MicroServices offer benefits like readability, availability, and scalability when used in conjunction with one another


DevOps and Microservices are two very important technological trends gaining traction in the realm of software development. Both practices were designed to provide professional efficiency and better agility for enterprises. When deployed simultaneously, these two technologies form a perfect union in working to create harmony between your IT department and business units. 


Monolithic App Conversion


The microservices architecture was formed using DevOps ideologies that are in use by major companies such as Facebook, Netflix, SoundCloud, and Amazon. Most of these companies, in fact, started out with monolithic applications and grew rapidly into decomposed services. Their communication via network-based messaging protocols such as RESTful APIs eventually evolved into the microservice architecture.


Microservices and DevOps went beyond converting monolithic apps into decomposed services. Basically, DevOps-centric companies changed the way they work: their approaches to software development, development cultures, organizational structures and a strong affinity to cloud-based automation and infrastructure. The same is true with companies with a success record using microservices; they both drive towards development, scalability and speed. These also became the values in agile development.




With the adoption and growth of agile methods, other innovative microservices-based concepts began to emerge. One good example is Continuous Integration (CI). The CI concept combines agile ideologies with microservices to expedite the production and release of software, leading to the development and practice of Continuous Delivery (CD). CD has a quality-centric ideology that aims to speed up production of shippable goods.


Changing the Game with DevOps and Microservices


The microservice architecture introduced changes that were well received by most modern application creators. The result of this is evident, as the productivity rate is now higher and more flexible. Scalable solutions are now delivered to clients requesting such applications.


Charter Global has a dedicated team of experts who deploy microservices in our DevOps fields to create automated tasks in sustainable and high-performing environments. We do this in both smaller and larger scales


Here are some benefits of the DevOps-microservices synergy:


1) Reability: Only minimal errors are experienced with microservices. This is because faults with a microservice function only affect that microservice and its consumers, unlike a monolithic application where a fault can cause the whole monolith to fail.


2) Availability: It takes little downtime to release a whole new version of a particular app using microservices.


3) Deployability: With microservices, expect increased agility, which makes it extremely easy to update and upgrade into newer versions of a service. Agility makes the build shorter and faster, as well as the testing and deploying cycles. This also enables flexibility, service specificity in the replication, security, persistence, and monitoring of configurations.


4) Scalability: You can scale a microservice independently using grids, pools and/or clusters. This characteristic is what makes microservices compatible to cloud’s elasticity.


5) Modifiability: Imagine the possibility of easy modification due to its flexibility to new frameworks, data sources, libraries, and other valuable resources.


6) Management: DevOps and Microservices leverage agile methodology, which divides the application development effort across smaller and more independent teams.


7) Productivity: DevOps works best with Microservices to bring about additional productivity using a common tool set that functions perfectly with both development and operations.



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Thursday, December 12, 2019

3 Ways to Adopt a Valuable Enterprise Cloud Strategy

Designing hybrid cloud environments and their implementation strategies are top-priorities when adopting enterprise-wide cloud computing initiatives


Cloud computing has become an incredibly popular model for modernizing IT portfolios. With exclusive benefits like gaining agility and speed-to-market, more and more companies are turning to public cloud software.


Hybrid cloud systems are a means to shuttle business applications between public clouds from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and private clouds running internally, or even hosted off-site by a provider.


Previously, many organizations chose one cloud services provide. Yet, because this approach lacks distinctive functionality, organizations are now recognizing the benefits of multi-cloud. Improved organizational flexibility, better performance and efficiency, and avoiding vendor lock-ins, are just a few of the benefits multi-cloud offers.


1. Adopting a Hybrid Cloud Environment

One trend that will see continuous traction in 2020 is procuring cloud services from two or more vendors at a time. AWS is popular for customer-facing apps, while Azure for business services and GCP for analytics compliment the execution of specific business scenarios.


Some chose to hold apps closely using private clouds, or, shuttle apps back and forth between public and private systems. This is often in the interest of security or financial reasons, with companies rolling back apps from public clouds to inernal systems, known as repatriation.


The big picture, however, points to an urgency for a strategy that ensures the entire ecosystem works synchronously, especially as the use of multiple clouds and on-premises cloud installations become more common.


2. Find the Right Fit

When your eyes are bigger than your stomach, you might put too much food on your plate. This is the case for companies who rely too heavily on the public cloud, who often lose money after the first 12-18 months.


Over-provisioning resources you won’t consume will ultimately backfire, as is the case with some application developers who accidentally leave cloud workloads running into the weekend. As a result, multi-million-dollar charges are incurred.


Governance can help mitigate these over-spending risks. Crafting a strategy that optimizes functionality across cloud network (both public and private), is one such way to ensure this risk mitigation.


 A solution known as “FinOps” is a combination of analytics software and business management practices that, upon migration to the cloud, monitors and calculates the actual rate of cloud consumption.


3. Modernize, Migrate, and go Cloud-Native


You’re probably familiar with the lift-and-shift approach for migrating apps to the cloud, which isn’t enough to drive agility if certain factors aren’t in place. Upgrading legacy applications, for example, is fundamental when moving your data center to the cloud if tackling speed-to-market initiatives.


Modernizing apps, whether migrating as-is or re-architecting entirely, is vital for the attainment of competitive, advantageous software. Containers and microservices also work to make apps portable and capable of breaking-down.


Cloud native systems like Kubernetes-esque orchestration services (think AWS, Azure, and GCP) automate deployment, scaling, and management of containers, and ultimately enable rapid-fire change and continuous delivery.


Challenging aspects of going cloud-native include the need to manage clusters of containers running in a multi-cloud schema. Stop-gap measures, like using VMware to run virtual servers in AWS or Azure, can help overcome these issues.


Irrespective of the architecture your enterprise chooses to build, don’t sacrifice long-term transformation goals your business needs for short-term cost savings.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Evolution of Recruitment in the Digital Era

Recruitment has evolved intensely over the past decade according to trends in AI, big data, and global-sourcing 


Technology has fundamentally changed the way recruiters and hiring managers do their jobs. Here are 3 ways tech is already impacting the hiring process:


Applicant tracking systems and artificial intelligence

Technology has revolutionized recruitment, profoundly changing how employers and recruiters find potential candidates. Applicant tracking systems, for example, and new AI software, is designed to help HR departments manage the massive influx of resumes they receive daily.


But, while technology can offer easy solutions, it often has a way of creating new problems in the process. AI-powered systems can do a great job sorting through candidates, but the risk is that non-traditional candidates or candidates with unusual experience that might be a very good fit could fall through the rules-based system, even one that learns and improves with ‘experience.”


While applicant tracking systems might be the most obvious way technology has impacted recruitment, it has changed far more behind the scenes.


The Big Data Renaissance

Businesses can’t get enough of big data – and it’s certainly valuable in recruitment – but it is possible to have too much data. And, considering that over $203 billion may be spent towards big data in 2020, it doesn’t look like companies will start taking a more minimalist approach anytime soon.


More data is not always a good thing if you don’t know what to do with it, according to experts. Knowledge is power, but in the wrong hands or with the inability of how to use that knowledge, it can have detrimental consequences.


Hiring a data scientist or analyst to help make sense of these massive stockpiles of information is a considerably wise strategy, as these job roles also serve to maintain the software and hardware used to collect and store the data. Otherwise, businesses run the risk of finding themselves with more data than they know what to do with, which can create more chaos and waste resources.


Reaching global talent

Technology hasn’t just made it easier to apply to jobs, it has also made it easier for businesses to find qualified candidates anywhere in the world. Recruiters can now scan job boards and professional network sites, like LinkedIn, for qualified candidates with the right skills – without the limits of geography.


According to research from Global Workplace Analytics, it’s estimated that nearly half of the US workforce holds a job that is “compatible with a least partial telework” and that 20 to 25 percent of the workforce “teleworks at some frequency.” Meanwhile, 80 to 90 percent of the US workforce says they “would like to telework at least part time” for two or three days a week.


With so many eager candidates looking to telecommute, it makes it easier for recruiters to reach out to candidates they may have overlooked due to location. And it opens a recruiter’s reach to find professionals with a specific skill set that they can’t find locally.


Recruiters are no longer limited to newspaper distribution and a file of known candidates; this means tapping into a significantly larger talent pool, a more diverse pool – both of which help the competitiveness of companies and expand their abilities to innovate and service customers.


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Monday, December 9, 2019

3 Time-saving Tips for IT Leaders

Optimize time and productivity by eliminating redundant practices and adopting efficiencies in your workflow


Time moves unforgivingly fast in the world of information technology.


So fast, in fact, that keeping a well-oiled IT machine requires finding efficiencies, eliminating time-wasting approaches and taming bad habits at every juncture.


The following tips can help you maximize time within your organization.


Maximize Cloud Usage

The cloud is an amazingly effective tool for collaboration, allowing colleagues to view progress and make rapid-fire changes quickly. However, there are risks involved, as cloud solutions can attribute to new problems, and waste time if not properly implemented.


Because so many point solutions exist, organizations at times end up with application sprawl and fail to share valuable information among cloud solutions.


Further, caution should be exercised with shadow IT – making absolutely certain that services are secure, functional, and deliver the expected results.


Make E-Mail a Cleaner Medium

When technology wastes more time than it saves, it backfires. E-mail represents this dilemma well. The primary form of communication for most all organizations, e-mail messaging is quite hard to abandon for other forms of messaging.


Stress-inducing components involve scanning through endless waves of unnecessary or uninteresting e-mails, which can often distract one from seeing an important email needing urgent attention. What’s more, ineffective email practices also serve to waste your time, and your coworkers.


For example, cc’ing several colleagues on every email causes those colleagues to spend time opening your email, consuming the information and then making a judgment if they should take action or not – when most of these emails weren’t intended for these people anyway.


As a result, this bombardment of messaging creates huge inefficiencies in your organization. Add new people to a message thread with purpose – summarizing information or action points on an as-needed basis, to save the recipient precious time and provide a concise action-item.  


Expand Your Network

An often highly-underestimated tactic involves seeking out the experience of our peers. Doing so expands your professional network — and incorporates your network into decision making – that can save you loads of time and stress.


Avoid getting burn-out by bouncing ideas and questions around, an incredibly important philosophy in sustainable IT practices.


By speaking with others, we’re quickly reminded that certain problems are not unique to our own organizations – and we can collaborate, with ease, to work through similar issues and help one another.


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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Rolling the Dice with Big Data: Why Superior Strategy Translates to Desirable Outcomes

Big Data capabilities are a vital aspect of identifying, assessing, and leveraging insight for competitive advantage.


 It is useful to think about skill and luck on a continuum. For example, Wéiqí, a game of strategy, is dominated by skill, while winning the lottery is based on luck.

Typically, you can rely on your IT team when it comes to everything big-data related. On the other hand, your business team is faced with the challenge to identify opportunities. Understanding how to link data to customer demands and marketplace metrics is essential for producing significant outcomes. Minding the gap between teams is one of the biggest obstacles while undergoing this process.


How do we overcome this obstacle, you ask? Start with acquiring a C-Level Sponsor who leads, commits and holds organizations accountable to a Big Data strategy. The three goals of the C-Level Sponsor are:


  • First, you have to have a plan. It takes a strategy to get you there.
  • Second, the plan must put together a proven set of formulas, approaches and methods to win. There is no way to luck into success. As my high school football coach used to say, “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity”.
  • Third, is to establish the strategy outcomes by answering the question, “Why are we doing this?” This answer should be quantified in business value creation dollars and remain the focus and measurement of the success of the strategy.


CEOs are being asked by the investor community and/or industry analysts to share their organization’s Big Data strategy. The investment community is wise to the fact that organizations that deploy and adopt Big Data and Predictive Analytics provide for long term stability and value gain to the shareholders. With the failure rate at approximately 70% for Big Data projects, it is important for the C-level Sponsor to mitigate risk and dollars in establishing a successful winning strategy. A winning strategy aligns executive, operational and IT goals into a single focus for significant value gain to the organization, shared responsibility and transparent accountability.

Seek outside help with an IT Consulting Partner who earns the trust of IT, Business & C-Level to help guide your organization through the strategy, process, methods and multiple POCs that are needed. There are many advantages for partnering with an outside trusted advisor:


  • They accelerate your organization’s adoption of proven methods and approaches that guarantee success.
  • There are politics in everything these days and Big Data has Big Politics attached internally with careers made and loss on such decisions; leverage an outsider to help manage through the status quo successfully because they have done it many times before.
  • Having a trusted voice that is vendor neutral and is concentrating specifically on your success. Assisting you in managing vendors and proving out their claims before investing millions of dollars.
  • Your team gets immediate access to critical key talent with a proven track record that you currently do not possess internally or cannot find.
  • A trusted advisor guides the building of a cross-functional team and helps create a common set of semantics for communication. Big Data problems are modeling problems, and the models you are trying to create are those of the entities on which you gather data. The dynamics of the data and the products that derive from them are so dynamic that the business and IT folks need to be part of the same discussion and accountable as a team.
  • Making the project successful, will require that the cross-functional team avoids any folks that are part of the old way of thinking; otherwise, the gap will persist and widen. A trusted advisor keeps a keen eye on the team and engages the C-level sponsor as needed to guide focus and outcome.
  • Most importantly, they keep the focus of Big Data directed on outcomes that support the business and valuable outcome.

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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Importance of Usability in Application Development

Usability is a crucial part of the application development process:

Usability means making products, systems, websites and web applications easier to use, matching them more closely to user needs and requirements. A website very often serves as the first impression to your customers – and you need to ensure it is a good one to keep them coming back. Good usability and user experience should capture the best possible human-computer interaction.

The primary benefits to users are that they can achieve their tasks easily and efficiently. This sounds simple, but the feeling of achievement that people get when they use a computer system without frustration should not be underestimated.You don’t want your users getting frustrated because they can’t navigate your site. Consider your website as the first impression your customers get, and you want that introduction to leave a pleasant memory, not a bitter one.

Components of Usability:

  1. Effective – Effectiveness is the completeness and accuracy with which users achieve specified goals.
  2. Efficient – Efficiency can be described as the speed in which users can complete the tasks for which they use the product.
  3. Error – The ultimate goal is a system which has no errors.
  4. Easy to Learn – How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks the first time they encounter the design?
  5. Satisfaction – How pleasant is it to use the design?

Usability’s Role in the Design Process:
Usability plays a role in each stage of the design process.
  1. Before starting the new design, test the old design to identify the good parts that you should keep or emphasize and the bad parts that give users trouble.
  2. Conduct a field study to see how users behave in their natural habitat.
  3. Make paper prototypes of one or more new design ideas and test them. The less time you invest in these design ideas the better because you’ll need to change them all based on the test results.
  4. Refine the design ideas that test best through multiple iterations, gradually moving from low-fidelity prototyping to high-fidelity representations that run on the computer. Test each iteration.
  5. Once you decide on and implement the final design, test it again. Subtle usability problems always creep in during implementation.
Charter Global help you by providing your enterprise a full service app development. Contact us today.

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Understanding the 3 Types of Apps: Native, Mobile, and Hybrid

A breakdown of the 3 types of apps and a list of the best cross platforms to use in mobile app development


Native mobile apps:

Native mobile apps are designed to be “native” to one platform, whether it’s Apple iOS, Google’s Android, or Windows Phone. The native platform can be advantageous because it tends to optimize the user experience. Because it was developed specifically for the platform, it can operate more quickly and intuitively.

Hybrid mobile apps: 

These apps can be installed on devices just like native apps, but they run through web browsers. All hybrid apps are developed through the HTML5 programming language. Though hybrid apps are not as fast or reliable as native apps, they have a greater capacity for streamlining the development process. Because you don’t have to build and maintain apps for separate platforms, your business can save on time and resources. It’s ideal for apps that primarily deliver content.

Web apps: 

Responsive websites switch to a different design when they are accessed from a mobile device. Adaptive web applications, on the other hand, scale to fit the different screen sizes of mobile devices. For these apps, the design doesn’t change. Web apps are built using the most popular programming languages, but they can’t use hardware on mobile devices or be sold in any app stores.

Charter Global leverages its experience across multiple, proven app development and ecommerce cloud-based platforms:  SAP Fiori, SAP HANA, SAP Business One, Magento, PCI DSS, Spring MVC (Framework), Magnolia CMS/ Blossom module, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Struts. Charter Global is also the only Oracle partner that offers native pre-configured customizable mobile apps for JD Edwards users.
Charter Global help you by providing your enterprise a full service mobile app development. Contact us today. 

For more information please visit our website: